| | Nguồn: http://www.chanphuocliem.com/trang_giachanh/
Cách Pha Nước Mắm Ngọt
Cách Pha Nước Mắm Ngọt |
Nước mắm ngọt:
1 cup nước mắm,
1 cup đường,
½ cup dấm trắng (hoặc chanh - vắt lấy nước)
1 lon nước dừa soda (hoặc nước suối)
1 muỗng tỏi tươi bằm nhỏ
½ muỗng café bột ngọt (optional - tùy ư)
Tất cả nấu sôi để nguội ăn dần, khi ăn cho thêm đồ chua và ớt
tỏi xay (trong hũ mua ở các siêu thị) hoặc tỏi tươi bằm
* Lưu ư: Công thức này có thể dùng chanh thay cho
dấm trắng. Nếu dùng chanh th́ nước mắm pha sẽ thơm ngon mùi
chanh và ăn liền th́ rất ngon. C̣n nếu dùng dấm trắng th́ có thể
cất giữ lâu hơn trong tủ lạnh để ăn dần. |
Các bạn có thể dùng nước mắm này cho chả gị,
b́ cuốn, bánh ướt,
bánh xèo, bánh khọt, và các món cơm dĩa như Cơm Sườn B́
Chả, Cơm Gà Nướng Xả Ớt v.v...
SAUCE Nước chấm pha chua
ngọt |
This dipping sauce
is used in most Vietnamese dishes like : Bánh Bột Lọc, Bún Thịt
Nướng, Cơm Sườn Nướng, Bún Chả Cá Chiên, etc.
1.5 cup
water 1 cup of fish sauce 1 cup of sugar 1 Tsb. minced
garlic 1 Tsb. minced red Thai chili pepper 5
Squeeze out
the juice of limes into a bowl, mix in the rest of the ingredients,
there you go, perfect Vietnamese dipping fish sauce.
If you
don't like to use the dipping sauce with floating garlic and chilly
pieces on top you can strain it before
use. |
| |
Basic Fish Sauce and Variations Nước
mắm pha chua
ngọt |
sauce is used to accompany various Vietnamese dishes. Often called
“nước chấm” (dipping sauce), nước mắm pha (mixed fish sauce), or
nước mắm chua ngọt (sweet and sour fish sauce. There are many
variations of nước mắm, but it all starts off from the “basic
- 1/2 cup water or coconut juice or lime soda
(such as 7-up or sprite)
- 1/4 cup sugar (reduce if using coconut juice or pop)
- 3 tbs fish sauce
- 2 cloves garlic
- 2 Thai chilies (optional)
- flesh from ½ lime (or juice) |
What to Do:
Finely mince garlic and chillier (or use chillier paste instead). Crush
together sugar and lime flesh, add garlic, chilies and water. Add fish
sauce last and stir everything together. Give the sauce a taste, all
flavors (sweet, salty, spicy and sour) should be equal.
All measurements are approximate as the saltiness of fish sauce depends
on the brand. Adjust sauce to “match” the flavors of the dish it will be
accompanying. For example, if the dish is already salty then the sauce
should be more sour and sweet than salty. If the dish is sour than the
sauce should be more sweet and salty than sour. Adjust the measurements
For vegetarian dishes, replace fish sauce with soy sauce and omit garlic
(if you’re a Buddhist vegetarian).
Different Variations:
Nước Mắm Gừng (with
Reduce garlic and chillies by ½, and add 1 tbs fresh ground or mince
ginger. This sauce is usually served with dishes that have duck as the
main ingredient.
Nước Mắm Me (with
Use the flesh of sour tamarind instead of lime. Soak the tamarind in
water which will be used to make the sauce (1/2 cup) until soft and
filter before using. |